Commercial Washroom Products for Education Sector
An educational institution holds a special place in the community as the locus at which the future of the nation is moulded. The best academic institutions adopt the responsibility of providing their students with an environment that is in all respects conducive to study and concentration. Modern, adequately-equipped washrooms are an essential feature of all good schools.
Durable and easy-to-clean washroom fittings are indispensable to the unique challenge posed by a school environment. These fittings must not only stand up to the use and abuse by up to hundreds of students of all ages, but they must remain presentable for when parents, guardians and officials visit to project to them a favourable image of the school.
The QBIC Washrooms Education Sector Products Range
QBIC Washrooms has the range of products and the experience in the installation of washroom essentials to create or retrofit the washrooms on your school premises to the standard your students and staff deserve.
Browse through our extensive range from the comfort of your home and office, confident in the knowledge that QBIC Washrooms deals exclusively in products manufactured by companies that consistently maintain the same high standards that we have set for ourselves.
Our education sector washroom products come from the major brands:
- MediQo;
- American Dryer;
- Proox;
- Freedom;
- Bobrick;
- Aquarius;
All of them are internationally-renowned brands whose products may be seen in some of the world's most exclusive buildings, and the last one is QBIC Washrooms' own brand that has been specially developed over the years in consultation with our clients.
Choose products from these superior product ranges that have been carefully selected to seamlessly integrate into virtually any school location and to suit every budget.
Advantages of Choosing QBIC
Few other companies can boast the span of experience and unswerving dedication to quality products and installation practices as QBIC Washrooms. We have been recognised by both our clients and our competitors across the industry as the leading name in the business.
Discover why through our:
- Over ten years of experience;
- Broad range of stock of the latest products;
- Ability to offer trade discounts for orders made in bulk;
- Capacity for next working day delivery;
- Matchless after-sales care provided by our professional staff.
QBIC Washrooms recognises the essential role schools like yours play in the development of our country through its youth. Let us partner you in this admirable task and help build a brighter future together.